Alright, we've all heard the buzz world of Digital Twin. Well keeping true to the Revit Nerd that I am, I've been creating a Digital Twin of my house. As we all know there are many reasons to have a digital twin of your building, from doing renovations to figuring out if that new piece of furniture from Ikea is going to fit in your living room. But none of these compares to the all-important time of planning out your holiday light display!
I've only lived in my current house for 3 years now, and last year we took advantage of the after Christmas sale to stock up on holiday lights. My wife said she wanted to outline our house, sides, roof ridge line, front fascia, etc. with multi-colored lights. She also wanted to run white icicle lights along the front fascia. So like any good Revit Nerd, I opened up my Revit model and measured to determine that I needed 170' of multi-colored lights and 50' of white icicle lights. Which of course they don't sell in nice even lengths.
Fast forward to this year, and it comes time for me to put the lights on the roof. Once again, I open up my Revit model and start measuring where each strand I bought last year was going to start and end. I need to make sure that the end plugs were in the right place to run the next strand of lights. I figured out a plan that would work and not require any additional extension cords on my roof. It was now the all-important time of going up on the roof in the cold 35°F day in December to hang my lights - because it has to be cold to hang lights. Like all good plans, everything worked perfectly.
[caption id="attachment_34882" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Nick's Holiday House[/caption]