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Not a Blue Christmas for Bluebeam Users

September 30th, 2024

This Christmas season will not be blue for our Bluebeam users like it was for Elvis. It’s Christmas in September for our Bluebeam customers because of an exciting change the has been announced by Bluebeam. Previously, users had to access the invitation sent via email to accept access to their license. Now, users will no longer need to ‘accept’ an invitation for their license.

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What does this mean for admins and users?

When a user is assigned a license, all that is needed to use Bluebeam products is a verified Bluebeam ID (BBID). This means much easier management for admins, and users won’t need to search their inboxes and spam folders.

How does a user get a BBID?

Users will be sent an invitation email but finding that email is no longer a requirement. This email will include a link to where they will create their BBID. If the user loses the email, the email ends up in spam, or they simply don’t check for the email, they can just create a BBID at If desired, this update gives IT admins the ability to send their own emails to employees asking them to create their ID before or after they are assigned a license.

What if a user already has a BBID, but no license?

If a user already has a verified BBID, they will get a ‘Welcome Email’ and notifying them that they can now sign into Bluebeam products.

Bluebeam is giving their customers a great gift with this change in their process. It is going to save admins time and make things easier on new users when setting up their account.

Do you have any questions about anything in this blog? You can connect with our Customer Success Team to get the answers to your questions

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