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Twelve Days of CADD Care (Day Three): Customer Success

December 5th, 2022

On the third day of CADD Care, the CADD team gave to me… customer success!


Customer Success has been quite the buzzword the last several years in the tech industry, and here at CADD, we have been hyper-focused on finding ways to ensure our customers are successful and have a great experience while working with us too. We truly believe that our customer's success is our success, and with this, in mind, we have created programs and resources to help our customers be wildly successful!

One of the ways we have been focused on helping our customers is through our various onboarding offerings. Here are some frequently asked questions we get about our onboardings:

What is the goal of an onboarding?
Our onboardings are meant to help take the guesswork out of figuring out a new system, how to manage users and to help get your company started right away with your products. Our onboardings can also help any customer's new admins learn how to manage users and assignments. While our onboarding goal is to equip admins with the knowledge to get their users started using the product, we also have on-demand and live courses available for users if customers need help getting their users training within the software.
What is the goal of an onboarding?  Who are the onboardings for? 
Our onboardings are for admins who manage users and software for their company. We have found that by helping admins get through the setup process, and understand how to manage their users effectively and efficiently right away they see a greater level of success. They save time having to figure it out on their own or searching through pages of Google searches.

We recommend for customers who attend onboarding calls with our technical expert to include their Primary Admin as well as a Secondary Admin to ensure there is someone else in the company who can manage licenses if the Primary Admin is not available.

What does the onboarding include?
Every person learns new things differently, and with this, in mind, we have created a variety of ways to help our customers get onboarded. Our customer success team provides a toolkit of resources including written instructions and video walk-throughs to our admins after purchase. In addition to this, customers can book a free one-on-one call with a technical expert at CADD to provide an overview live.
What are CADD's available onboardings?
Bluebeam: With the switch to subscription comes a step-by-step process to transition your licenses as well as a new management portal. This onboarding helps admins understand how to transition their licenses and manage users in the new Org Admin Portal.

Autodesk Docs: New to the ACC? This onboarding will get you started in the ACC and how to utilize Autodesk Docs as your Cloud storage solution.

BIM Collaborate Pro: Learn how to start a new project, assign users, and initiate Revit Cloud Worksharing in ABC Pro to start collaborating on projects right away.

Autodesk Build: Access Build and how to collaborate together on projects and how to use the different modules within the software.

Autodesk Named User Transition: Customers transitioning from Autodesk network licenses to named user licenses will understand exactly how they need to transition their users and the timeline of this process to ensure no users lose access to their software.

Premium Plan: Those that purchase Premium Plan get access to enhanced reporting and Single Sign-On and Active Directory Group Sync. We walk you through these features and how to enable them so you can see the return in your investment with Premium right away.

CADD Community: CADD's online learning platform has software apps, add-ins, and a course library to support users' education, get started in the platform, and understand how to maximize the tools within the platform.

The Customer Success team at CADD is grateful for each and every one of our customers and how they have made 2022 such a great year! We look forward to more onboarding programs, resources, and customer successes in 2023!

Happy holidays!


Check back the rest of the week to see what the CADD team has in store for all Twelve Days of CADD Care.

View previous posts in the Twelve Days of CADD Care blog series:

Day One: Tool Palette Management in Civil 3D Day Two: Space Utilization in FM:Systems

Interested in learning more? We'd love to chat!

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