ARKANCE and its Subsidiary U.S. CAD, Acquire CADD Microsystems. Read the announcement.
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FilterPlus for Revit

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We love Revit and all it can do. But there is some basic functionality that we know would make every Revit user's life easier. FilterPLUS replaces the native Filter tool with a custom built, beefed-up filter that immediately makes your life easier.

  • It allow users to not only filter by Category, but now by Family and Type as well
  • FilterPLUS works in an expandable window that lets you resize it to see more information, as opposed to the "one size only" native Filter window
  • The FilterPLUS interface is immediately understandable and easy to use by folks who have used the original Filter, but it has subtle tweaks that make it a better user experience
  • No add-in to activate, just install FilterPLUS and it’s ready to go